Welcome To Youth Racers of America!
Youth Racers of America Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2019 designed to provide camps, clinics, safety gear, and educational resources for youth racecar drivers across the United States. YRA’s mission is to engage, inform, educate, and develop youth racecar drivers and their families through 3 different categories: Families New to Youth Racing, Current Youth Racers & Families, and Career Opportunities for Teens. By joining YRA, members gain access to a world of resources on topics including safety, driving tips, character training, marketing/sponsorship, motorsports financials, track rules, racecar setups, racecar maintenance, and advice from professional drivers. Don’t wait…if your kid has a need for speed, join the fastest kids in town and become a member of Youth Racers of America today!
Hello YRA members! Just a reminder, your annual membership not only gets your driver in free or discounted camps/clinics, but it will also allow your driver to access articles, videos, foundation updates, and prizes each month!
– Benefit #1: Discounted or free rates to camps/clinics. We are working on upcoming events with INDYCAR, NASCAR, and the World of Outlaws in Indianapolis, Iowa, Tulsa, and Charlotte in the coming months, so stay tuned for fun events for your child to be a part of!
– Benefit #2: Safety gear discounts! Visit our website, youthracersofamerica.com, to see the list of companies we are currently partnered with on safety gear. If you need to order gear, order through us and receive 15-40% off!
– Benefit #3: Monthly resources and prizes. Check out our website and YouTube channel for videos (tons more coming) on tech tips, advice for drivers and parents, and more! Each month we will be giving out prizes for either select or all members!
– Benefit #4: Marketing support! Visit our resources tab to see our array of marketing materials including autograph cards, marketing presentations, business cards, etc. Although there is still a charge for these items, most of them are 50% off retail pricing.
– Benefit #5: Staff resource and support. Reach out anytime to 844-YRA-KIDS if you’re looking for connections, advice, guidance, etc. for your family in the youth motorsports world. We’re always happy to help and are here to serve you!
* Your $20/yr membership is a recurring charge. If you would like to cancel, please email contact@youthracersofamerica.
Start your engines!
There's room for everyone at YRA! Is your child a big racing fan looking to get started in racing, yet you know nothing about youth motorsports? Click below to learn about the types of racing in your area and how to get started! Already involved in youth motorsports? We're here to help your driver learn, grow, and get to the next level. Click on the 'Current Youth Members' tab below to dive in! Do you have a teenager that is interested in pursuing a career in motorsports? We're excited to connect them with a sea of information and opportunities through our teen career program. Check it out!
Looking to get your kid into racing?
Click to learn more.
Current youth
Sign in or Register below.
Career Opportunities for Teens.
Click below to get started.
Looking To Get Started?
Find A Track In Your Area Today.